1. Site Minutes Setup Process (Once Off): 

a.  Mailbox Setup Process:  The process is as follows to set up and execute: 

b.  Perform the tasks under below: 

i.  On the Home menu, click New E-mail. 

ii.  In the message body, enter the content that you want.  (Cut and paste the content from Annexure A below) 

iii.  In the message window, click File > Save As. 

iv.  In the Save As dialog box, in the Save as type list, click Outlook Template. 

v.  In the File name box, type a name for your template, and then click Save. 

c.  You now have that saved as a template.  Ie:  You are good to go with all your minutes in the future! 

d.  Ensure that you also have a folder set up in Sharepoint for each site to save every one of your site visit minutes into. 

2.  Site Visit Planning (Monthly): 

      1.  Both the Dealer Pack (Excel) with commentary as well as the Brand Pack with commentary will be constructed & completed by the RBM.  All commentary/ Dealer Packs & Brand Pack to be fully completed before the 10th of each month.
      2.   These packs need to be sent to your manager to check before being sent to the franchisee / affiliate with a meeting invite for the same month. 
      3.   Thereafter, using the ‘Site Visit Planner’ each site needs to have at least one visit scheduled based on priority and factoring in all the needs of the business.  Use this planner to book the franchisee’s diary accordingly in Outlook and set reminders to remind the dealer that you are coming one week in advance.  The plan needs to be created monthly and updated weekly.
      4.   Before every site visit, ensure that your have your Dealer Pack minutes well-considered, printed and ready to present and leave with the franchisee after the meeting. 

3.  Site Visit Actions (Monthly): 

      1.  Ensure that you have the following tools of trade:

a.  You understand that your primary objective is to drive sales and to ensure compliance

b.  You are well dressed in a Retsol uniform 

c.  You have a vehicle 

d.  You have a cell phone to capture data on Fuelix 

e.   You have received official training on what to do as an RBM every day and every month. 

2.  Greet the dealer. 

3.  Do a Business Evaluation on Fuelix 

4.  Meet with the dealer: 

a.  Check the names of the Corner Bakery staff are unchanged (and/or take the names and details of the new staff) 

b.  Lead him through the Dealer Pack and make notes on what is required to improve the site turnover, increase product GP or reduce food safety risk.  Make notes and also identify opportunity for training the staff. 

c.  Leave the printed copy of the dealer pack with the dealer after presenting 

4.  Site Visit Follow up (Monthly): 

      1.  After your meeting, you need to do your minutes:

a.  Select New Items > More Items > Choose Form. 

b.  In the Choose Form dialog box, in Look In, click User Templates in File System. 

      1. Enter the correct information where the yellow is and remove the yellow colour.  Ensure spelling and information is correct.  Insert the following email addresses:

a.  To:  Dealer’s email, Manager’s email (if you were not with the dealer) 

b.  CC: 

i.  Affiliate’s main contact people 

ii.  Copy your direct manager 

iii.  Your own email address 

        1. From the email CC’ed to you, drag and drop the whole email into the ROS folder for the site name – under the contact reports folder.  We can then all see these email records going forwards. 
        1. Ensure that any new staff are registered on the training (Learning Management System) database (with LMS administrator) 

Annexure A:  Contact Report 

Subject in email body:  Corner Bakery Site Visit:  Enter month 


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on DATE.  I have outlined the minutes of our discussion below as follows: 


Food Sales (Value):  X.XX 

Food Sales (YOY Sales Growth %):  XX% 

Supplier Compliance:    

Non-Approved – Supplier number of boxes XX 




Coffee Sales (Value):  X.XX 

Coffee Sales (YOY Sales Growth %):  XX% 




Manager:  Manager Name 

Score:  XX% 


 Training:  XX 


