Pie Display Rules

No Non-Compliant pies to be displayed in display.

Display glass should always be clean and free of finger prints.

All pies must be golden brown in colour

All display lighting needs to be in working order and on at all times. 

Keep shelves fully merchandised with no spaces and full lines of pies. (No less than 2 pies per row will be accepted.) All products must be in straight lines with no crumbs visible.

If the national promotion is a pie promotion, place the promotion tent card on top of the pie cabinet.

Each  pie variant requires it’s own price tag, with a neatly written description and price and placed in the display in a straight line.

Only display the premium/ large pies on top shelf and ensure that all of these pie types must be clearly visible.  These are the most expensive pies and need to be in the most prominent position.

Display Classic pies & promotional pies on shelves 2 and 3.

